3.4.1 :- The Institution ensures Implementation of its stated Code of Ethics for Research
3.4.2 :- Number of candidates registered for Ph.D per teacher during the last five years
Number of Ph.D Registered
3.4.3 :- Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals as notified on UGC CARE list during the last five years
Publications in Scopus/ Web of science / UGC Journals
3.4.4 :- Number of books and chapters in edited volumes published per teacher during the last five years
Books and Publications
3.4.5 :- Bibliometrics of the publications during the last five years based on average Citation index in Scopus/ Web of Science
Bibliometrics of Publications
3.4.6 :- Bibliometrics of the publications during the last five years based on Scopus/ Web of Science – h-index of the Institution